Cast Iron Fried Eggs

Cast Iron Fried Eggs

I probably should have made this the first recipe I posted on The Cast Iron Chef. I have probably had more questions about frying eggs using cast iron than all my other recipes combined. If you have a well seasoned pan and follow these steps, with a little practice, frying eggs with a cast iron pan can be a breeze.


Prep time

5 min

  • Cooking spray (olive oil recommended).
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of water
Spray your pan with cooking spray (I use olive oil). Heat your pan over a medium-high flame. After about a minute, drop a small amount of butter in the pan. 

When the butter has melted, add two eggs to the pan.

If you like your eggs over easy, using a silicone spatula, gently nudge the eggs if necessary to release your eggs from the pan, and flip your eggs. Cook for 30 seconds on the second side.

I like to cook my eggs sunny side up. So here's a nice tip for getting over easy eggs perfectly every time. Once you add the eggs to the pan, add a tablespoon of water to the eggs, then cover.

This will create steam that will cook the top of the eggs, so there is no need to flip them. After a minute or so, the eggs will be cooked on top. If you have a glass lid, you can give the  skillet a little shake to ensure the tops of the eggs are cooked to your satisfaction.  If your lid is not glass, remove the lid and give the skillet a shake. Replace the lid and cook for a few seconds longer if necessary.

Once your eggs are fully cooked, gently nudge the eggs with a high heat silicone spatula to release them from the pan.

Once the eggs are released from the pan, remove the eggs from your plan and plate them.  That's it! It might take a few tries but it won't take long for frying eggs in cast iron to become second nature.

Source:  The Cast Iron Chef. © Copyright 2020 The Cast Iron Chef, Inc.

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